Contact form

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ATLANTIDA SUBMARINE, S.L., (Limited Company) with tax identification code (CIF) B-35454529, informs you that, in conformity with the dispositions of Articles 12 and 13 of the General European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 of the 27th April (GDPR) and Articles 5, 6, and 11 of the Organic Law 3/2018 of the 5th December pertaining to the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD in Spanish) with respect to data processing and the duty to ensure confidentiality of the same, all personal data facilitated to us will be processed by ATLANTIDA SUBMARINE, S.L., as the Data Protection Official to the effects of trade and with the end of complying with commitments between parties, management and administrative paperwork relating to pre-contracts/contracts, maintenance of precontractual/contractual relations and internal management or company/client administration / withe the end of carrying out all the necessary business transactions relating to the request/consultation made.

By reading and validating the present document, I am giving my consent and express authorisation to ATLANTIDA SUBMARINE, S.L., to manage and process my personal data to the ends previously detailed. Data will not be ceded to third parties except in case of legal obligation. The rights you can exercise when presenting a complaint to an authority of control are the right to access, and the right to portability of personal data on proof of identity and via formal request made by traditional post/e-mail to the postal address/e-mail address of the company, that is Calle Avenida Explanada del Castillete, number 32 – Playa de Mogán, Postal Code 35138, Mogán- Las Palmas.
ATLANTIDA SUBMARINE, S.L., guarantees the protection/privacy of your personal data, the appropriate use of personal information, full confidentiality with respect to personal data and total compliance with the legal obligations pertaining to personal data protection.

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Submarine Adventure
Avenida Explanada del Castillete, Nº32
35138 – Puerto de Mogán – Islas Canarias
Atraque en Pantalán Dique Sur


Atlantida Submarine S.L.

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